Demo and Benchmark Documentation Engines
Demo and Benchmark Documentation Engines
» Introduction » Install Instructions »»Windows install instructions »»»Begin PAL Setup »»»Configuration »»»Compile »»Generic install instructions » Developer Documentation » Simple Example » Graphics Engine Integration Examples » PAL Developer Documentation » PAL Publications

Begin PAL Setup

First, download all the physics engine libraries you wish to use from the links on the PAL supported physics engines page.
Then, configure and build all the physics libraries.
For example:

You should now have a library directory that looks similar to this:


After following the configure instructions, you should have a setup that looks similar to this:


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Run the "configure.exe" in the base PAL directory. You should see the following GUI: pal-install

First, set the base library directory by pressing the "..." button. This directory is where your common development libraries are kept, such as boost and SDL.


Now navigate to your base library directory, and then press "OK".


(Newer versions of the Windows installer provide a check box next to each engine, allowing you to enable or disable this engine for your platform).
Select the compiler you wish to use. Then press the "Configure" button. This will automatically generate the correct project files for your platform.

If this approach has not worked for any reason, you can follow the instructions for creating a generic premake configuration.

^ top


To compile PAL, change to the "build" directory, then to the directory for your compiler (eg: "vs2005").

If you are using Microsoft Visual Studio, open the solution workspace file (eg : "pal.sln"). Then select "build all".

Alternatively, if you are using MinGW you can execute mingw32-make.

The output files are found under "bin", "release" and your compiler name. (For example, "pal\bin\release\vs2005"). Try executing the "palDemo.exe"
The libPAL library will be found in the "lib\release" directory.